Thursday, September 1, 2011

Just a different experience… and a bit of a dedication

This morning I am very reflective… it has been one week since I enrolled in the French Culinary Institute. While I have learned (though certainly not mastered) the art of julienne and jardinière, and screwed up a ratatouille or two, I am still in a bit of disbelief….
Last Monday, I attended an early morning yoga class.  Sometimes when a yoga class starts or ends the instructor will provide some meditation, or thought, to guide you in your practice or your day.  I rarely have much patience for this and prefer silence over preaching.  The instructor, Donnalynn, went on for quite some time about life and ego, and right and wrong, and I spent much of the time rolling my closed eyes. But at the very end she said something quite profound that resonated with me. Deeply.
Paraphrased: “No decision is right or wrong, it will only change your experience.”
Now set aside all of my (and your) philosophical leanings about right and wrong and good and bad… In that moment, on my mat with my eyes closed and thumb and forefinger together, I knew that in this, as it pertained to me and FCI, she was right. The decision to go to FCI is not right or wrong, it is not even good or bad. It is simply one decision that will change my life experience.
In that moment, despite all of my earlier hesitation, I decided I was going to enroll. It is only a coincidence it happened four days later.
Already, I feel my life experience changing for the better. I am smiling all the time, even when my julienne is the size of a French fry or Chef says my jardinière is too small although I measured it with a ruler. I am energized, even arriving home at midnight and beginning my day job at 9 AM. I am enjoying every moment of it… I am enjoying every experience of my life. I feel purely and totally lucky to be me. I am so thankful for everyone who is making this possible. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.
Namaste (The light within me recognizes, bows, and honors the light within you)

P.S. Donnalynn wrote a blog on the topic of life experience and ego one week after I attended her class.

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