Thursday, August 25, 2011

I did it!

I didn't know if this day would ever come, but it has come so quickly that I feel like I am out of breath, trying to keep up with my life!
Early this morning I woke up, cleaned the bathroom (I even used a toothbrush on the shower walls), ate some cereal, and sat down to work. After finishing a bit of work, I logged onto the French Culinary Institute (FCI) website to longingly re-read the Culinary Arts course description. Summer has been a bit crazy so I haven't checked back with the FCI in a while, but as usual I moved on from the course descriptions to skim other informational materials including start dates and prices.
Since April when I moved to New York City, I imagined it would be great to start culinary school in September... though I don't really know that I ever actually decided to start, if that makes sense. Making these significant choices is as hard for me as for anyone.
Start dates? August 26. October 14. Nothing in September.
What to do? Start tomorrow!